Dr. Price has more than 48 years of experience treating patients, teaching, consulting, and training and supervising therapy. He is an AAMFT Approved Supervisor. If you seek supervision for AAMFT Clinical Membership or the MFT or MHC licensure, or if you seek supervision for the AAMFT Approved Supervisor Designation, do not hesitate to call on him for assistance.
Dr. Price approaches supervision from a collaborative perspective, assisting supervised therapists to grow in their professional life and better serve the patients in their care. Clinical supervision involves supervised therapists developing clear professional identity. Exploration and development of the supervised therapist’s treatment orientation, style, and professional identity are critical to the work. Dr. Price gives focus to major clinical domains of professional behavior: treatment skills, personal growth and awareness, patient/case conceptualization, screening and assessment, individual, group, family, and couples therapy, patient education, ethical and professional standards, and the creation and maintenance of therapeutic relationships.
Dr Price’s supervisory roles include teacher, evaluator, and consultant. He believes supervision is a place to develop the necessary skills and clinical practice to both protect one’s patients while nurturing the achievement of clinical competence. The approach supports an individualized developmental model which adjusts to the level of knowledge and expertise of the therapist in supervision. Therapists in supervision discover their knowledge gaps in a safe and supportive environment which promotes accountability and professional growth over time. Contact Dr. Price today for an appointment.